Why You Should Openly Declare Jesus Christ As Lord And Savior

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After starting the Christian life correctly by adopting the proper attitude toward Christ in a private transaction between Himself and yourself, the next step is an open confession of the relationship that now exists between yourself and Jesus Christ.

Whoever, then, shall confess me before mankind, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven, says Jesus in Matthew 10:32. He desires an open admission. He requests it out of concern for you.

The path of blessing is this. Many people try to follow Jesus while keeping it a secret from the outside world. Nobody has ever been successful in trying that. Being a covert disciple equates to not being a disciple at all. If one has truly accepted Christ, he or she cannot keep it to themselves. Because the mouth speaks what the heart is full of (Matthew 12:34).

Paul places the public confession of Christ first in his list of requirements for salvation because it is so crucial. He claims that if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess the Lord Jesus in your mouth, you will be saved. Man believes in righteousness with his heart, and he confesses it with his tongue for salvation because (Romans 10:9-10).

The path to complete salvation is the path of confession. Confessional living is the only path to true salvation, after all. When we profess Christ in front of people here on earth, He also confesses us in front of the Father in heaven, and the Father then bestows the Holy Spirit upon us as a sign of our salvation. When we come forward in a revival meeting, when we are confirmed, when we join the church, etc., it is not sufficient to just profess Christ once.

Christ should always be our confessor. Our Lord and King should not make us feel humiliated. People should know that we support Him by hearing from us. We should be clear about our positions with others at all times, including at the home, the church, business, and play. Of course, we shouldn't flaunt our religion or our dedication, but we should make it clear to everyone that we follow Christ. We ought to make it clear that we exalt Him as our Lord and King. One of the most common reasons for relapse is a refusal to confess Christ.

Christians often find themselves in new situations where they are tempted to hide their faith because they are not well known as Christians. When they succumb to the temptation, they rapidly find themselves drifting. Jesus Christ will make more of you as you make more of Him. Knowing that you are someone who recognizes Christ as Lord in everything can help you avoid numerous temptations.


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