Are You Under Attack? 4 Signs That Demonic Altars are Fighting Against You | Apostle Joshua Selman
Greetings, dear friends! Are you feeling attacked and overwhelmed by the challenges of life? Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have a supernatural grace that keeps them going, no matter what? We will dive into the powerful teachings of Apostle Joshua Selman and explore the mysterious world of altars. Discover the key takeaways from his message and learn how you can overcome any obstacle through the power of God.
Summary And Major Highlights:
- 💡 Consistency of patterns and occurrences is a scriptural litmus test for the presence of an altar, whether good or bad.
- 💡 Altars can power both positive things like salvation and the blessing of the Jewish Nation, as well as negative things like addictions, sexual perversions, depression, witchcraft, idol worship, stagnation, delays, near success syndrome, barrenness, and short-lived success.
- 💡 The presence of mysterious diseases and infirmities, sexual perversions, depression, mental health issues, witchcraft, idol worship, stagnation, delays, near success syndrome, barrenness, and short-lived success can be a sign of an altar in a person's life or family.
- 💡 Altars can affect not just an individual, but also their family and territory.
- 💡 Altars can operate on a legal basis, even if the victim is sincere and unaware.
- 💡 The presence of an altar can be detected by prophecy.
- 💡 Association with people can make someone partake of the altars that are upon their lives.
- 💡 When the realm of the spirit is against someone, it can also be against anything that supports them, affecting those around them
- 💡 The Holy Ghost may be speaking to you about something that has been holding back your family or loved ones.
- 💡 Historical examples show that nations can erect altars to God and achieve economic success despite limitations.
- 💡 Our forefathers may have unknowingly created altars out of fear and desperation, which can still affect us today.
- 💡 Altars can affect individuals and families positively or negatively, and can even attract people to the Gospel.
- 💡 Altars can be powerful and contribute to the success or failure of nations, regardless of who is in power.
As we conclude we hope that you have been enlightened and inspired by the teachings of Apostle Joshua Selman. Remember, altars are real, and they have a profound impact on our lives, whether we realize it or not. But as children of God, we have the power to break free from any demonic influence and establish godly altars that will bless generations to come. Let us hold fast to the promises of Scripture and trust in the unfailing love of our Heavenly Father. May His grace and peace be with you always.
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"Are You Under Attack? 4 Signs That Demonic Altars are Fighting Against You | Apostle Joshua Selman"
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