6 Things Satan Wants Eagerly from -for And What for Must Do To Stop Him

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The enemy wants to steal, kill, and destroy you in order to get control of your life.


God warns that the devil "prowls around like a roaring lion hunting for someone to devour," so we must "be alert and of sober mind," keeping an eye out for his plans " (1 Peter 5:8). The adversary wants to eat away at our life and rob us of the pleasure of having a close relationship with Jesus.


The following are six things that the devil desires for your life.

1. For you to question God.

In John 20, the disciples screamed that they had seen Jesus rising from the dead, but Thomas' skepticism prevented him from accepting the miracle of salvation. Thomas saw Jesus when He spoke to him, "Stop doubting and believe." " (John 20:27).


When the devil tempts you to question God, resist the temptation and allow God to dictate your circumstances rather than the other way around.


2. For you to be terrified

Fear is a misapplication of faith, not its absence. The devil wants us to have confidence in something other than God; he does not want to take that faith away from us. Living in Christ is life not in fear!


I prayed to the Lord, and he heard me; he released me from all of my worries, according to Psalm 34:4."


3. For you to experience apprehension

Don't believe the lies the devil tells you about your worth or lack of affection. You are God's creation, and because of Christ, we are not only adequate; thanks to him who loved us, "we are more than conquerors." " (Ephesians 2:10, Romans 8:37).


4. For you to stay away from churches

It gets harder to hold onto your faith the more disconnected you are from the body of Christ. Following Jesus in a world that doesn't makes it difficult. We are intended to be eaten once we depart from the group we were created for (1 Corinthians 12).


5. For you to be misguided

"Be wary of false prophets. They approach you dressed as lambs, but they are actually deadly wolves on the inside " (Matthew 7:15). When we put human wisdom or our own opinions ahead of God's Word, we risk turning people away from Christ and losing sight of His truth ourselves.


6. For you to be a failure

The enemy wants to obliterate us. He wants us to accept our lot in life and be content with what the world has to offer. We are pressed on every side, but not broken; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not left behind; struck down, but not destroyed, according to 2 Corinthians 4:8–10. The death of Jesus is always present in our bodies so that the life of Jesus can likewise be made manifest within them. Don't lose heart when you feel like you're going to lose; Jesus already won for you!


If You don't want to be eaten. "Stop questioning and trust " (John 20:27)


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