Times and Seasons Oasis International Conference 2022 Lagos-Nigeria Apostle Joshua Selman

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The greatest desire of a dying man is not more influence. For instance, in Isaiah chapter 38, the story of Hezekiah.

Hezekiah pleaded for more time, that was his prayer, give me time. Because the moment you have time, every other thing can be restored in time. Are we together?

You can see that when God wants to show men mercy, He restores years more than things, I will restore the years, not just the things, you can lose money and get it back, you can lose your health and go to the hospital.

But if you lose time, that is the end of it. In fact, did you know that you call the entire journey from when a man is born to when he dies life time, life time. For as long as his Spirit can coexist with his body, if it is two days, then his lifetime is two days.

If it is 100 years, his lifetime is 100 years, you must understand timing. Because most believers think all times are convenient for everything. At the end of this teaching, God will plant in you a sense of urgency, there will be a divine sense of urgency in your life. And you will know that whatever wastes your time is of the devil. Because that is the most expensive commodity second to the salvation that you have gotten in Christ the gift of time, time is an equalizer given to everybody.

With all the advancements in technology, nobody has been able to add more time as an asset. We have mastered the way of creating robots artificial intelligence to help accelerate us But God in His wisdom ensured that time remains the equalizer for all men.

If it is morning in Nigeria, provided your in Nigeria, it will not hurry and become afternoon for you. It goes slowly and everybody submits to it. 12 o'clock in Nigeria is 12 o'clock for everybody. Six o'clock in Nigeria is six o'clock for everybody. Within that time zone, everybody helplessly has to wait for that time. Are we together? So time is a blessing. It is an equalizer.

Unfortunately, when Satan comes to a man's life, the first thing he does is to study your understanding about time, when he finds out that you do not have an appreciation of the blessing and the divine significance of time he will occupy you with activities. So that you will think just because you are engaging in several activities, it means that you are walking with time he says redeeming the time because the days are evil.


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This is yet another explosive message exposition by Apostle Joshua Selman. please download, listen and share with friends and family to be a blessing to everyone, God bless you as you do.


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