A powerful Prayer To Destroy Seducing Spirits and Spiritual Bondage and Put God First

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We must be extremely careful about what we eat in the modern world. And by this, I mean that we need to begin posing some queries to ourselves. Who is the person you are currently listening to? Who is the head of your faith? What else are they teaching you, by the way? Do they teach the Bible? Or are they merely self-help experts? Are they looking to increase their own influence, fortune, and power? Or do they want to preach and educate people about God's Kingdom?

"Beware of the false prophets, instructors who come to you clothed as sheep, appearing mild and innocent, but inside are ravenous wolves," the Bible warns in Matthew 7, verses 15 through 17. You may identify them by their output, which consists of their self-centered dogma and fabricated beliefs. Do people pluck figs from thistles or grapes from thorny bushes? Nevertheless, all fruit-bearing trees are healthy. However, a sick tree produces poor fruit. We need to understand God's Word as followers of Christ. for our own use. Because there are so many people who seem to be God's people in the world, we need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When in reality, if you pay great attention and ask God for wisdom, you will discover that they are wolves hiding under sheep's clothes. And for this reason, it's so important that we take the time to educate ourselves.

We must take the time to familiarize ourselves with God's Word. Saints, hear the authentic message of Jesus Christ. It exhorts us to turn around. However, some persons who identify as preachers are actually sugarcoating the message of the gospel. They also proclaim the gospel, which tells you that you have been forgiven but does not exhort you to turn from your sins. They referred to you as "loved," and it discusses God's benevolence. This is all accurate. But it doesn't make you right. You are not instructed to carry your cross. You are not instructed to crucify your flesh. We must exercise caution for this precise reason. We are unable to simply listen to everyone. We cannot simply let any doctrine to enter into our spirits. As you can see, the genuine message of Jesus Christ will confront you. Oh, the true message of Jesus Christ will convict you. You will be motivated to change your sinful behaviors and to want repentance as a result of it. You see, the Gospel does not preach that you can continue to live your old life after having been pardoned. That represents a lack of grace. true grace True grace teaches us to repent of our sin. We learn from it that we must make sacrifices. It nudges us to uphold honor.

The real message of the gospel is that we are to love one another as we love ourselves. It shows us that when we start following Jesus, life frequently gets challenging. The Lord, however, delivers the upright from all of their numerous afflictions. Because they are afraid that the genuine gospel would offend people, they frequently preach the sugarcoated gospel, as you can see. They fear losing their congregation or even receiving negative press if they admit that people need to repent. As a result, they only accept motivational messages. They accept gospel that has aged well. The true gospel, however, is what transforms the hearer's heart, has the power to penetrate through any hardened heart, and draws people to obedience and repentance. Therefore, saints, we must seek out the genuine servants of God and teachers of His Word.

Let's now approach the Lord in prayer as a group bearing all this in mind. We beg you, Heavenly Father, to open our eyes and ears. Please help us to be a people that listen with discernment. Lord, help us to follow your Spirit and not be tempted to hear a gospel that makes us feel young. We ask You instead to give us hearts that yearn for the nutritious milk of your word so that it can feed our souls.

Lord Jesus, it is your word that commands us to renounce everything from this world and put all earthly possessions aside—to leave behind the riches and wealth of this world so that we may put your kingdom first. and that makes our hearts obedient. Lord, may serving you be our primary motivation. God, may our desire to seek you be greater than our own will. and to comprehend Christ's deity in its entirety.

Lord Jesus, we long to get to know you and have a personal relationship with you. Oh God, please show yourself to us so we won't be deceived by any false gospel. You can find it in 2 Corinthians 11, verses three and four, but I'm worried that you can be misled from your real and unadulterated love to Christ in some way, just like Eve was by the serpents that bit her. Because you can easily put up with it if someone teaches a Jesus other than the one we presented, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel than the one you embraced. Now, Father, we come and declare that we only desire to hear the genuine, real gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lord, teach us the good news that relates to the conception, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We want to hear the gospel that urges us to turn from our sins, God. God, we long for the gospel that purifies our thoughts and changes our hearts. We simply want to hear that gospel. Lord, there are so many false professors who propagate harmful errors in today's society. Father, however, I ask that the Holy Spirit guide us to the truth. Can we flee from any form of instruction that makes our ears tingle? We need your word, God. All scripture is God-breathed, given by divine inspiration, and profitable for instruction, for the conviction of sin, for the correction of error, and restoration to obedience, for training in righteousness, learning to live in conformity to God's will, both publicly and privately, behaving honorably, with personal integrity, and with moral courage. This is stated in 2 Timothy 3, verse 16. Lord, grant us hearts that are steadfast in your truth. We let your message, Lord, to enlighten us by opening our hearts.

Please use your word to convict us of sin. May your word, Master, correct, instruct, and uplift us? We praise You, Lord, for Your mercy. We give you thanks because you are dependable and honest. Let there be more of you, God, and less of me in our lives, and may you grow as we shrink. Be glorified, Father, now and always. We ask for things and pray in Jesus' name. Amen. We sometimes have no choice but to navigate the waves of life. On sometimes, we could feel as though evil is all around us and that there is nothing we can do to change it. However, if we can simply move forward in faith and not by sight, we will perceive God's hand guarding us. No weapon devised against us will stand, as God has already declared, and if God is for us, who can be against us? I now want to share with you a few psalms of protection that I consider to be particularly meaningful. "Guard my life and deliver me," Psalm 25:20-21. Do not let anyone make me look bad. Because I put my hope in you, may your moral character and uprightness shield me. God must be with us at all times to protect us. Our spirits are what the enemy wants. David recognized this. He prayed to the Lord in order for the Almighty God to protect and preserve his soul. So, at this time, I ask that your soul be protected in the name of Jesus Christ. May God protect your soul from the devil. May the Lord guard your spirit from all kinds of sin and deceit. I adore that this verse in the Bible says,

"May my moral character and integrity protect me. I interpret the monk to be saying, "May my moral character and sense of right and wrong protect my soul from sin and evil, and may my integrity and brightness shield me from harm and keep me in a pure state. Verse one through verse eight of Psalm 121: "I'll raise my gaze to the hills, for that is where my help is. The Lord, who created heaven and earth, is who helps me. Your foot cannot be moved without his permission. He who guards you won't go to sleep. He who guards Israel won't sleep or doze off, according to the Bible. Your keeper is the Lord. At your right hand, the Lord is your shade. You won't be hit by the sun during the day or the moon at night. You will be protected from every harm by the Lord. He will guard your spirit. From this point forward and for all time, the Lord will protect you as you leave and enter. Given that we, as God's children, are informed that support comes from the Lord, I believe this promise to be particularly meaningful. The person who neither sleeps nor slumbers offers assistance. Then I'd like to pronounce this blessing from Psalm 121 over you.

May you discover that the Lord is your keeper. I hope you find him to be a solid foundation for your feet and an anchor for your soul. May you come to know God, Jehovah, as your guardian and protector. God bless you and keep you safe from all harm going forward. There is a degree of security and calm that is unique to the Lord. And nothing comes close to matching or matching the level of security provided by the Lord. Therefore, I urge you to place your faith in Him. So let's pray. I thank you, Heavenly Father, for your word in Isaiah 43:2. I will be with you and through the seas when you pass them. They won't fill you to the brim. You won't get burned or scorched when you pass through the flames of the fire. We appreciate your defense of us. We appreciate you being our sturdy refuge and secure haven.

I appreciate all of your excellent assistance and mercies. We ask the Lord for his mighty hand to guard our lives. Because, King Jesus, I am aware that we are contending with spiritual evil in high places rather than principalities and powers that are at war with our homes and families. And Lord, this emphasizes how much we need on your divine guardianship. This emphasizes how important it is for us and our family to be protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. Psalm 34, verse 7 of your word reads, "The Lord's angel surrounds those who fear Him and delivers them. I appreciate your assurance of safety. Such a lovely hope is offered by this psalm.

I ask that your angels surround our homes with divine defense against the adversary. May this place be a strong reminder of your presence. Please fortify us so that we can weather life's storms and the difficulties we encounter every day. Please fortify us so that we can withstand the enemy's assaults. Give us the ability to prevail. Give us tranquility and do not let worry and fear paralyze us. We have faith in you. Because of you, we shall always be glad. Because your word declares that "He who is in me is greater than He who is in the world," I pray that you give us a brave and daring spirit. Lord, keep us safe from the enemy every day.

Please reaffirm the commitments you made in your word to me. Keep us safe from the enemy's sneaky traps. Don't allow the filthy lusts of the flesh tempt us. I ask that I be continually changed in both my heart and head. I ask for renewal and refueling. Please shield me from any bad influences. Father, keep me from being misled. But grant me discernment. Everything that tries to corrupt, upset, or prevent my spirit from pursuing you will be cast out by what is flawless and pleasing about you. Deliver me from evil and drive out all the gloom from my surroundings. The enemy just wishes to kill, take, and destroy. However, the Lord gives life in you.

There is abundance of joy, and joys last a lifetime are at your right hand. helped me put on all of God's protective gear so that I might always be prepared to repel the devil's assaults. Lord Jesus, you are superior to all other heavenly powers in strength and size. the planet. By virtue of your accomplished work on the cross, you have already defeated sin and death. The devils in your presence quake in fear at your speech. No other force can endure. you have my praise. God, I appreciate your protection. I appreciate your steadfastness. I'm grateful that you heard my plea. I ask this in the name of Jesus. From Matthew 22:37–38: The Bible says in And He instructed him, "You must love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, soul, and mind." The first and most important commandment is this. Two fundamental commandments can be used to describe all of Christianity: Love both God and others.

When you sincerely love the Lord, he takes precedence over everything and everyone. You value him more than anything and everyone else. When you love God, you prioritize him in every situation and on every day of the week. It seems like such a simple commandment to love God. But for many people, it can be really difficult. Yet why? We can't just pretend our way through it, for starters. And we can't just do it whenever it's convenient for us. genuine devotion to God Our entire lives are shaped by it. God demands a whole commitment, not simply a token one. He seeks our undivided hearts. He desires our complete devotion to him. So how does that appear? Practically? Well, priorities are what really matter. Do you prioritize God? Do you prioritize spending time in prayer with God? Likewise, studying His Word? Do you allow yourself enough time each day to calm down and just be in God's presence? All of these things contribute to our growing love for the Lord.

However, we have to consciously choose to take such actions. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you, says Matthew 6:33. We frequently commit the error of prioritizing unimportant things. Families, careers, and interests are all good things. But we can't allow them take center stage. Our focus and dedication must not be split because to love God with everything you have implies to view everything else as meaningless in contrast. A few scriptures from the Bible explain why God should come first in our lives. Luke 9, line 62. No one who works hard and then turns around is suitable for the kingdom of God, according to Jesus.

Furthermore, it states in John 14, verse 15, "If you love Me, you will keep My commands." to serve God with everything that you are "is to obediently follow him. even if it hurts or is uncomfortable. It entails showing compassion for the underprivileged and outcasts, as well as sharing the faith with those in our community. These actions will also provide us genuine joy—eternal bliss. In the kingdom of God, there is no room for regret or dissatisfaction. We struggle with our earthly nature every day. We are tempted to cherish our fleshly appetites more than God. However, according to the Bible, a portion of us died on the cross with Christ. We are not under its control. When we truly love God, His Spirit fills us to the point that our desires and His desires converge. To really live on mission for God means to love him with all of your heart. It entails being prepared to sacrifice your life for the propagation of the faith. The least we can do for the person who sacrificed his life for us is this. Jesus gave his all to love us; now let's try to follow in his footsteps.

Join me in prayer now. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being the best example of love. I appreciate you abandoning the splendors of Heaven, taking on a human body, and voluntarily giving your life to secure my eternal salvation. All of yourself was given to me. You made the final payment. So, Lord, how am I ever going to pay you back? Since you did everything necessary for my salvation out of your mercy, Mr. Lord, all I can do is offer my life in service to you. All you ask is for me to love you unconditionally. Despite how straightforward the instruction is, I frequently ignore it due to the world's temptations and diversions as well as my own carnal nature. Sometimes it's really difficult to obey this order. Lord, I ask that You give me the grace to prioritize You above everything else. Please grant me the wisdom to keep my focus so that I don't become so preoccupied that I don't have time for you on a daily basis. Yes, there are a lot of things vying for my attention. However, Lord Jesus, may the Holy Spirit assist me in making you the top priority in my life. And all of these other things will be added to me once I have sought you out first. Therefore, Father, you strengthened my love for you and guided me in living in accordance with Galatians 2, verse 20, which reads, "I was crucified beside Christ. Christ now lives in me and through my life in the flesh, not I. I no longer have a physical existence. I rely on the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me, to sustain my life. Please show me any secret idols that are displacing you in my heart,

Father. helped me to willingly put aside whatever stopping me from totally pursuing you. Please allow me to spend time on what is vital. Let me make it a habit to pray more, read the Bible more, worship you more, and spend more time in your presence. These experiences helped me grow in my love for you. Father, may my love for you be the driving force behind everything I do. May your love spill out into my words, deeds, and attitudes, whether I'm at home alone or on a busy street corner. Please refrain from making our interaction become a job. But let it be enjoyable. I want God to keep me from ever losing that sense of amazement. Bring to recall the splendor of the gospel. Tell me what you paid for me so you might have my soul for your empire. Lord, if you must, make a significant change in my life. Jesus, do not let me become accustomed to my ways or oblivious to the sin and frailties in my life. Holy Spirit, point out to me where my priorities are off. Show me the areas in my life where I am devoting excessive amounts of time, energy, and affection. And assist me in focusing that energy on adhering to and obeying you. convince me to stop pursuing after earthly goods. additional time spent seeking, assisting, and getting to know you better. creating the behaviors in me that made me want to love you more. I want to love you unconditionally,

Lord. I want to be completely open with you. I want to pay close attention to you. Because you are the only person who is more amazing, glorious, or deserving than everything else. God, I appreciate your unwavering love for me, even though I am far from you. I'm grateful that you heard my plea. In the name of Jesus, I pray for all of these things. Amen.
We should keep our focus on Jesus Christ at all times, as it says in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 2, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right side of the throne of God." The only person deserving of our allegiance is him. He is the only one deserving of our respect and admiration. He is the only person whose needs should come first and foremost in our priorities. And today, I want to exhort you to pray more earnestly, to praise and worship God more intensely, and then to pursue him with a burning desire to have an intimate, close connection with Jesus Christ. In Matthew chapter 16, verse 24, Jesus spoke while standing with his followers and stated, "If anybody want to follow Me, they must deny themselves, take up their cross, and do so. Let me now question you: "Are you desirous of pursuing Jesus? Do you wish to abstain from the fleeting pleasures of this world? Look into your heart and ask: "Am I ready to follow Jesus and obediently take up my cross?

The cross has never been intended to stand for something straightforward or uncomplicated. It represents a location of suffering, affliction, or purging. But it also represents hope and salvation. It stands for both Jesus's love and the transforming power of His blood. The crucifixion represents a location where human flesh perishes, our sin is crushed, and Christ triumphs. As a result, we must pay attention to what Jesus said. Take up your cross and follow Jesus by denying yourself. Let's pray now. According to Matthew 21:22, "And whatever things you ask for in prayer, believing you will receive." I appreciate your promise, and A guarantee that if I ask and believe, you, God Almighty, the Eternal Father, will grant my requests. I am grateful that you are a loving God with limitless knowledge and power. I am appreciative that despite your majesty and magnificence, you still have the time to hear and consider my petitions. I will be happy to have this opportunity.

Lord Jesus, I appreciate everything you do. Thank you for all that you do, for all the kindness and mercy you have given me, for providing me health, for giving me the stamina to work, and for safeguarding my family. You are a good and compassionate God. You love me so much that you counted every hair on my head. I appreciate your fervent love for me. I longed to stay and spend time in Your presence, Lord. Lord, I long for direct fellowship and communion with you since it is only in you that I may find renewal and refreshment for my soul. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in living a life that always gives God all the glory and acclaim and that I will always be humble and grateful for what you have accomplished. Lord Jesus, I am aware that you intervene in my problems and circumstances and still deliver me. The fact that you, my father, have complete control over everything makes me happy today. You are in complete control of my life. As a result, I decide to stay in your presence, where I feel comfortable and protected.

There is nothing that occurs in my life that you, by God's mercy, have not permitted. I am encouraged by the knowledge that everything is happening for my benefit because of the Most High God. King Jesus, I submit to your will, and I acquiesce in all of your ways. I may not be able to predict all that will occur tomorrow, but I will have complete faith in you, my King. And I decide not to rely on my own knowledge. I make the decision to honor and acknowledge you in all my ways, Father. All the credit should go to you. You are a God who will straighten up every deviant route. So I will forever sing your praises and adore your holy name, O God of all creation, a God who never sleeps or slumbers. Father, Purify my heart so that the prideful spirit will not reside there. Remove any negative and nasty traits from my personality. Eliminate all wicked actions and desires that you find repugnant. Give me a spirit of humility, gratitude, and obedience to your word and will—a spirit that says, "Yes, Lord." Lord Jesus, I thank you for removing the influence of sin from my life. You are the Alpha and Omega, existing in the same form forever. You are the same everlasting father who promised in your word to defend me while I kept quiet.

Lord, thank you for fighting my battles. I can only find a calm and peace that surpasses all human understanding in your presence. Give me the strength to get through any difficulties I may encounter. Give me the courage, Lord, to confront every obstacle and every giant with courage and trust in you, knowing that my Lord will rescue me, will hoist me up, and will keep me safe from any harm. I praise your name because you said in John 16, verse 33, "You will face difficulties, but take heart—I have conquered the world. I have told you these things so that in me you may find peace in this world. You've triumphed over everything. And I will have hope that even if I encounter difficulties or disappointment, I have already prevailed because of your law since I am your child, a believer who has been washed, cleaned, and saved by your precious blood. Therefore, Father, I ask that you guide me even now because I am lost on my own. I won't always make the best choices, too. But if you are guiding my steps, I know that I shall be surrounded by your amazing grace and favor.

Things will turn out for the better and in my favor because of your love. I admit that I am in need of your counsel, Lord. I want to use this opportunity to appreciate and praise you. I'm grateful that you heard my plea. I offer my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Fear is dishonest. because fear causes you to overlook everything God has accomplished. I appreciate the idea that terror is made up evidence that appears genuine. You may feel alone because of the shroud that fear casts over you. It creates a cloud that prevents you from seeing the promises of God found in His Word. Additionally, the rise of anxiety disorders, stress-related illnesses, and other health issues in today's society is one way that fear presents itself. Stress and anxiety are both offspring of fear. The future scares us. We dread the past. We worry about things beyond our control. And we are unable to acknowledge that most of life is beyond our control. We have no influence over our birth or death dates. When we are presented with an unfavorable diagnosis or a natural tragedy, we are reminded of our powerlessness. Jesus asks us to be at peace and tells us to do so for this reason.

Therefore, I advise you not to worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, according to Matthew 6:25. What you put on won't make your body or your life more important than food or clothing. Jesus continues in verse 33 by saying, "However, put God's kingdom and righteousness first, and you will have all these things added to you. Jesus is urging us to give up the false belief that we are in charge. Considering that God is in charge and we are not. He is in total command. God is already in the future, even if we can't predict it. God is working out your present and your future in the past, even though we can't let go of the past. Fear is a product of the devil, but God controls the future. Worry is the warlock of the devil. But the Prince of Peace is Jesus. Anxiety is a wicked creation, but comfort comes via the Holy Spirit. In verse 10 of Isaiah 41, the Lord says, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you." Be not afraid; I am your God, and I will be your strength and support. You shall be supported by my righteous hand. As believers, our faith should rule our lives rather than our fears. Worry shouldn't paralyze our lives; it should instead inspire us.

Let's pray now. We thank you for your goodness, Lord, and we bless your holy name. We are grateful for all the benefits you have bestowed upon us. My understanding of your message is that you did not give us a spirit of dread. King Jesus, I'm grateful for this message. Our lack of fear is a result of your word. We won't be terrified because of what you said. Should we confront challenging circumstances head-on? Help us to face the world without fear. If the opposition tries to use fear as a weapon, let's not indulge terror. Then, we chasten that spirit in the name of Jesus. Should the adversary make an effort to make us feel fearful and discouraged? In the name of Jesus, I rebuke that spirit. I am grateful for your letter and for Isaiah 35:4, which reads, "Be strong and do not be afraid; your God will come, and he will come with vengeance and divine retribution, and he will come to save you, say those who are concerned and those who are afraid.

Father, Together with everyone else who is listening, I pray that when we get your word, we won't be worried or have anxious hearts. Because God Almighty is watching over us, we won't feel fear in our hearts. Our protector and savior is the Lord of Hosts, the God of all ages. Who could be against us if God is for us? Fear has no place if God is on our side. Lord, as long as you are with us. Our lives have seen the defeat of fear. The devil is no longer able to control us because of his defeat. You, Lord Jesus, are the source of the power to withstand worry, anxiety, and fear. Give us the courage to proclaim that Jesus Christ has not given us a spirit of fear, timidity, or cowardice in the face of adversity and in a fear-filled world. But he also gave us a spirit of strength and love, good judgment, and self-control.

I firmly believe and affirm that the Lord has bestowed upon us the grace to live a life that is marked by serenity, joy, and self-control. Father, Joshua 1:9 of your word asks, "Have I not commanded you?" Be courageous and strong. Do not be alarmed or terrified. Because wherever you go, the Lord, your God, is with you. Lord Jesus, I ask that you give us the strength to resist the need to submit to fear and help us to stand. When the spirit of fear urges us to be timid and fearful, give us bravery and power. We are fortunate. And we are glad that you are there for us, Lord God. Lord, we humble ourselves wherever we go.

Mighty God, we humbly and completely submit to you. I ask that you assist us in overcoming our sense of entitlement. Please help us to put any ideas to rest that suggest we are resilient due to our own fortitude. Instead, we release all of our worries, fears, cares, and concerns. Lord Jesus, we cast them all upon you. We entrust them to you because you are a God who watches over us constantly and who loves us deeply. Father, help us to live according to your word. May your message serve as our life's compass. Because you, Lord, won't abandon us, we shall have no fear in the name of Jesus. I appreciate you answering my prayer. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.



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