The Pit Can’t Stop Your Promise: Unveiling the Power of God’s Faithfulness

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In Genesis chapter 37, we encounter a powerful story that captures the essence of God's unwavering promises and the obstacles that may arise along the journey. The narrative revolves around Joseph, a young man who found himself in a pit of adversity. However, amidst the challenges and trials, Joseph's story teaches us an invaluable lesson: a pit can't stop a promise. Let us explore this profound concept and delve into the profound implications it has for our lives today.

Embracing God's Promises

Israel, Joseph's father, displayed favoritism towards him. Out of love, Israel bestowed upon Joseph a magnificent coat of many colors. This act was a tangible expression of a father's deep affection for his son. It is crucial to note that Joseph did not seek this favor nor did he earn it through his actions. The coat symbolized not only the father's love but also the unfolding of God's plan in Joseph's life.

"So Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons because he was the son of his old age. And he made him a robe of many colors." (Genesis 37:3 NKJV)

God, in His infinite wisdom, often chooses individuals to carry out His purpose who may not fit the world's expectations. Joseph's brothers, who perceived the favor bestowed upon him, developed animosity towards him. Their envy led them to mistreat Joseph and harbor ill feelings towards him.

The Journey Through the Pit

Joseph's story teaches us that the fulfillment of God's promises does not come without challenges. His brothers, driven by jealousy and displaced aggression, conspired against him. They plotted to kill him and cast him into a pit. However, God's plan cannot be thwarted by human intentions. The pit that Joseph found himself in was merely a temporary setback, incapable of stopping the fulfillment of God's promise.

"So when they saw him coming from afar, they conspired against him to kill him. Then they said to one another, 'Look, this dreamer is coming! Come, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, 'Some wild beast has devoured him.' We shall see what will become of his dreams!'" (Genesis 37:18-20 NKJV)

God's Faithfulness Amidst the Pit

When we face adversity, it is easy to question God's faithfulness and doubt His promises. But the story of Joseph reminds us that God's promises are unshakable. In the midst of the pit, we must remember that God is both the promiser and the fulfillment of His promises. He takes full responsibility for ensuring that His word comes to pass.

The tension between the promise and its fulfillment often leads to a period of doubt and uncertainty. However, we can find solace in the faithfulness of God, knowing that He is always working behind the scenes to bring about His promises.

The Burden and Blessing of Favor

Joseph's coat represented God's favor in his life. However, it is essential to recognize that favor can be both a blessing and a burden. While favor opens doors and grants opportunities, it also attracts undeserved attacks and tension. Those who receive favor often face opposition from others who do not share in their blessings.

We must navigate the complexities of favor with humility and grace, understanding that it is a divine gift. It is not our own doing, but rather a manifestation of God's goodness and purpose in our lives.

Embracing Our Unique Purpose

The coat Joseph received from his father was not simply a garment; it was a prophetic symbol of his future purpose. His dreams of prominence further fueled his brothers' animosity. The truth is, when God has a purpose for our lives, it often surpasses our own expectations and the perceptions of those around us.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV)

We should not allow the opinions of others to limit our potential. God sees more in us than we can comprehend. The blessings and promises He has in store for us may be beyond our imagination. We must trust that His plan is perfect, even when others question or oppose it.

Overcoming Displaced Aggression

Joseph's brothers' mistreatment of him was an example of displaced aggression. They directed their anger towards him, even though their frustration stemmed from their perception of their father's unfairness. Likewise, we often encounter displaced aggression in our own lives, where people project their frustrations onto us instead of confronting the real source of their anger.

As believers, we are called to love one another and treat each other with kindness. Displaced aggression should not find a place within the church community. We must recognize that mistreating others only reflects the true condition of our hearts and undermines the authenticity of our faith.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." (1 John 4:7 NKJV)

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

While external challenges and opposition may arise, we must also confront the internal battles that lead to self-sabotage. Sometimes, we become our own worst enemy, doubting our worth, making poor decisions, and engaging in self-defeating talk. It is essential to acknowledge that our self-perception can hinder our progress and sabotage the fulfillment of God's promises in our lives.

Instead of blaming external factors for our setbacks, we must take responsibility for our actions and attitudes. We must learn to love ourselves as God loves us, embracing our unique purpose and understanding that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14 NIV)

Moving Beyond the Pit

Joseph's brothers saw him approaching even before he reached them. They were already filled with anger and resentment towards him, anticipating his presence with disdain. Similarly, there may be people who harbor negative feelings towards us, even before we achieve our goals or step into our calling.

When people see the potential in us and respond with hostility, we should not be discouraged. Instead, we must recognize that their reactions stem from their own insecurities and frustrations. We must keep moving forward, unswayed by their negativity, and remain focused on fulfilling God's purpose for our lives.


The story of Joseph teaches us a powerful lesson: a pit cannot stop a promise. We must hold onto God's unwavering faithfulness, even when faced with adversity. Despite the challenges, God's promises remain steadfast and true. Let us embrace our unique purpose, reject displaced aggression, overcome self-sabotage, and press forward, knowing that God's promises will be fulfilled in our lives. Remember, when God has chosen you and bestowed His favor upon you, no pit can hinder His plans. Keep your eyes fixed on His promises and trust that He will bring you to your destined fulfillment.


Q1. What is the significance of the coat of many colors in Genesis chapter 37? A: The coat of many colors was a gift from Joseph's father, Jacob, and it represented his favor and love for Joseph. It symbolized Joseph's position as the favorite son and sparked jealousy and animosity among his brothers.

Q2. Why did Joseph's brothers hate him? A: Joseph's brothers hated him because their father showed him favoritism. The brothers felt overlooked and unloved, leading to feelings of resentment and jealousy towards Joseph.

Q3. What was the dream that Joseph had, and why did it intensify his brothers' hatred? A: Joseph had a dream in which he saw his brothers bowing down to him. When he shared this dream with his brothers, it further fueled their animosity toward him. The dream symbolized Joseph's future position of power and authority over his brothers, which they found unacceptable and provoked their hatred even more.

Q4. How did Joseph's brothers plan to harm him? A: Joseph's brothers conspired to kill him when they saw him approaching from a distance. They intended to throw him into a pit and then tell their father that he had been devoured by a wild beast. Their plan was to eliminate Joseph and see what would become of his dreams.

Q5. What does the phrase "a pit can't stop a promise" mean? A: "A pit can't stop a promise" is a statement emphasizing the power and faithfulness of God's promises. It suggests that even when faced with difficult or challenging circumstances (symbolized by a pit), God's promises will ultimately prevail and come to fruition. It encourages individuals to hold onto God's promises, knowing that external obstacles cannot hinder their fulfillment



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