Make These Declarations Daily And Drive All Evil Spirits

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These Powerful Prayers will Protect You, from All kinds of Evil Spirits.

God, is neither a man, who would lie, nor a man's son, who, would renounce any of His proclamations.

Once, God has spoken, twice I have heard that He possesses all power. Therefore, I believe every word of God, as God's word is God Himself and God cannot lie.

Every divine promise, concerning my life will certainly be fulfilled. As I make these confessions, I declare to the devil that I am aware of my identity in Christ.

I have been reborn and crucified beside Christ. Now, I am seated with Him in heavenly realms, far above all realms of darkness. I am a saint. I am a child of God. I am a king and a royal priest who has been summoned to serve God.


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Jesus purchased my life with His own precious and spotless blood, transforming it from the reign of darkness into His kingdom of light, peace, and abundant life. I stand on Jesus' victory over Satan, death, and hell, for it is recorded that Jesus first descended to the depths of the earth and robbed Satan of all his power.


He then ascended to heaven, led captives to freedom, and offered gifts to men. By this victory, may the blood of Jesus vanquish every gathering of dark forces that oppose my prayer life, my prosperity, and my breakthrough.


The day I dedicated my life completely to Christ, I submitted to the authority of the Lord of hosts. Therefore, I have the authority to oppose you, Satan, and your assaults on my healthy relationship with my Creator, Jehovah God.


Due to my trust in Jesus Christ, I am now a descendant of Abraham. Abraham's blessings are mine. The Bible states that I am blessed with Abraham the steadfast. I share in all of God's divine blessings. It is said that God has blessed all of His children in paradise with every spiritual blessing.


The Lord God is a shield and a sun; He will bestow upon me grace and splendor. He will withhold nothing beneficial from those who walk uprightly. According to the Bible, if I ask, I shall receive. God grants me favor, glory, and open heavens when I ask in confidence. Jehovah God is omnipotent. According to the Bible, He is more than sufficient. I request God's divine plenty in all aspects of my life, and I receive it through faith.


I admit and accept it via faith. In the presence of God, my prayers produce a pleasant aroma. I beg, and He incubates me with His grace and fire. According to the Scriptures, I will be a crown of glory in the hand of God and a royal diadem in the hand of my Creator. I am becoming a brilliant light. The divine light is within me.


Darkness cannot reside in me or cast a shadow on me. God's light shall shine upon me, and all eyes shall behold it together. Wherever I travel, I will always stand out. Even when darkness covers the earth and dense blackness envelops all people, the Lord will arise over me, and His splendor will be visible upon me.


I shall perceive and radiate. My heart shall shake and quiver with joy and be enlarged, for the bounty of the sea shall be mine. The countries will bring their treasures to me. Foreigners will construct my fortifications, and their rulers will serve me. In His anger, God struck me, but in His favor, pleasure, and goodwill, He has compassion and love for me.


The sons of those who persecuted me will come bowed before me, and all those who insulted me will bow at my feet. They shall refer to me as the city of the Lord, the Zion of Israel's Holy One. God will make me an eternal splendor, a joy from generation to age, despite the fact that I have been abandoned and despised to the point that nothing good has passed through me.


I shall consume the wealth of the Gentiles, and in their glory I shall exult, and everyone shall see and confess that I am the glorious offspring of the Lord. God has addressed my life. I believe it, and I'm manifesting it. I am not a failure, and I will only operate from the top down. I will always reside on the mountain and never in the valley.


I will no longer experience the activity of Mount Pisgah's spirit. The blood of the Lamb of God has washed my life of all traces of witchcraft, hatred, jealously, bewitchment, and envy, so I will never longer be disappointed or fail at the brink of my desired miracles, success, and victory. Every serpent of deceit, ill report, accusation, plotting, and criticism is crushed beneath my feet.


No foul counsel shall stand against me. If God is on my side, who can oppose me? No weapon fashioned against me will be effective, and every mouth that speaks against me is already condemned. In light of this, I pull down every spiritual barrier that stands between me and my divinely chosen assistants and benefactors.


I now stand in my position as a true child of Jehovah God, appointed to rule on earth, and I command the flavor of God's divine favor to fill me. God has placed His Word in my mouth as a destructive and restorative weapon. I utilize my ability to speak destruction onto all devil's agents who are tasked with hindering me and diverting my blessings.


I wield the same sword to proclaim my own restoration. It is written that I should dispose of the previous items. God will do something fresh in my life, and it will emerge. Now, I request that new things emerge in my marriage, business, finances, and spiritual life.


The Lord will always make His face light upon me and be gracious to me. His light will illuminate my way, and His favor will surround me for the duration of my life.


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