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This is a Prayer To overcome Spiritual Warfare

Father, I can feel that darkness is trying to surround me with its power. The enemy is trying to take back territory that Jesus has already won. I know what his plans and moves are. He's back to trying to throw me off track. I know he's up to something bad again.

I come back to You and want to walk in Your power and authority. In Christ, I can do anything, which means I don't have to give in to the pressure he's putting on me. I know that this is a spiritual battle and that my weapons are not things you can see.

With Your power and the help of the Holy Spirit, I can destroy what he is trying to do to me. I won't believe his lies that no one can beat him. He has already lost to Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
I need supernatural tools to win, and I need to stand up and speak out against him. I need to tell this situation what Your Word says about it.

In the name of Jesus, I stop and tell the enemy to stop all of his plans and attacks against me! I'm calling them off! I say that I am strong because of the Lord and His power. No weapon made to hurt me will work!
I stir myself up like David did and bless You, Lord! I thank You for the victory Jesus has given me. No matter what the devil throws at me, I won't give up and bow my knee in defeat.
Heavenly Father, you protect me and give me a safe place to stay. I will fight for my faith, and I will win!

Holy Spirit, please keep helping me get rid of all the bad ideas the devil tries to plant in my mind. Help me walk in love and refuse to be offended because being offended will make it hard for me to pray.

I ask You to give me peace that can't be found anywhere else. Your peace goes beyond anything we can understand. Please let it protect me in every part of my life, in the name of Jesus.
I speak truth into the darkness and declare that all of the enemy's plans, tricks, lies, and strategies will be shown for what they are. Show me, Holy Spirit, if I've left any footholds or doors open that the enemy could use to get into my life.

I praise You now that Jesus has completely won over the devil. Yes, the enemy has lost all of his power because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
I know he will always try to hurt me, but He who is in me is stronger than he who is in the world. This means I can always beat Him because the Lord fights for me.

I'm standing on Your Word and Your promises until I see the victory in my situation. All I need to win is Your Word, angels, the blood of Jesus, and His Name. I am God's child, and You said that you would never leave me. That means that You are always with me, even in spiritual battles.

Thank You for giving me spiritual armor so I can fight well in spiritual warfare. Whatever the enemy throws at me, even fiery darts, will not hurt me. The victory Jesus Christ had over the devil can never be taken away.

Help me keep putting my trust in You and Your Word. When I spend time with You, thank You for giving me confidence and making me feel better. Give me the courage to stay strong in You and fight the devil every time he shows his ugly face. In the name of Jesus, give me the wisdom to know what to do in every battle I face.
If You are with me, I can't fail! Your name will always be praised!

In the name of Jesus, I pray, amen! One of the fastest ways, the devil and his demons brought down armies and kings in the bible was through sex. Please, If you'd like to get a deep exposition on what to do when you as a Christian happen to burn with sexual desire for other people even when married or when single then please click the very first link, in the video description or the pinned messages in the chat box of this live stream to watch now

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